

Cytoskeleton Analyser requires python3.9 or later.

When installing by pip, the following dependencies are installed automatically:


Provided that python is present, in the simplest case the Cytoskeleton Analyser may be installed globallly using pip:

$ pip install cytoskeleton-analyser

However, the recommended way is installing the package into a virtual environment, which adds only a few commans:

  1. Create a project directory (here named ‘myproject’) and cd to it.

  2. Create a python virtual environment (here named ‘venv3.9’).

  3. Activate the virtual environment.

  4. Install as above.

1 $ mkdir myproject && cd myproject
2 $ python3 -m venv venv3.9
3 $ source venv3.9/bin/activate
4 $ pip install cytoskeleton-analyser

Alternatively, if you want to install the python package straight from the GitHub repository, replace the emphasized line above with

$ pip install git+git://

The Source Code

Source code of Cytoskeleton Analyser is publicly available at GitHub. You can clone the whole repository with

$ git clone


cytoskeleton-analyser is available under the terms of the BSD 3 Clause license. See LICENSE.txt for more information.